Name : 8 of 12
Race : Half Human Half Borg
Gender : Male
Age : 34
Birth Place : USA
Biographical information : Not much is known of the 5ft 11, blonde haired,
and blue eyed crewman named 8 of 12. He can plainly be identified on board
as the only one to have Borg
implants around his eye and some remaining Borg "hardware"
scattered through body.
Early Life : 8 of 12 was assimilated at Wolf 359, but was
disconnected from the Borg a few year later when
Star Fleet arrived in Delta Quadrant. Before he was assimilated 8 of 12
was the Second Officer serving on
the USS Georgetown but after being disconnected from the Borg desired a career
change and went into Engineering. Finding a spot on board the USS Columbia he
was quickly promoted to Chief of Engineering due to his hard work